I’ve always been interested in space and how the universe was created, and the sun. The sun and the son, both. They fascinate me. I’ve written plenty of poems where the sun proves an integral part of the message. I go out daily and appreciate nature and the birds and trees, and everything that gets warmth and life from the sun.
There are times when I see a sunrise or sunset and it pulls my attention away from anything I’m thinking or feeling. I’m one of those annoying people who will shush everyone talking when I see a sunset. Or yap on and on about how the light hits the clouds as we’re driving. Last night we were driving to dinner and the sunset was so gorgeous it just really stopped me in my tracks. We pulled over and watched it and I took a picture.
The picture can’t even do it justice. The sun was just taking a bow so low that it was about to disappear, light danced on the clouds, and I felt as if I was watching God paint right there before me. I am reminded of this passage from the Psalms.
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.
Psalm 65:8
We search for miracles, almost challenging God to prove to us that he is here and watching over us, but sometimes the greatest miracle is simply seeing his creation continue to thrive. This world he has created for us. This sunset that tells us the workday is done and its time to rest, take time for each other. I picture him nudging me, saying how’d you like that one? as he stands next to me watching the sunset paint the sky with another masterpiece, one that will fade within seconds. Our memory and that moment of appreciation the only witness we have to this daily miracle.
Where evening fades… we are in awe…
For more inspiration from the Psalms, considering taking one of my Painting the Psalms ecourses or pick up my book, Painting the Psalms. My ecourses are individual mixed media projects you can do in the privacy of your own home, at your own speed. Each project is different in terms of technique, composition, and supplies, but they all are inspired by the Psalms in some way.
My book Painting the Psalms is half art book, half devotional. It contains over 100 paintings, all inspired by the Psalms.