I love doing craft shows in part because it gets me up close and personal with people. They tell me what they’re looking for in their art, and I pay attention. I like to create things that people enjoy. That’s especially true with the verses I use on my art.
Many people cherish a certain Bible verse, like this one:
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.
~ Joshua 24:15
I get asked about this verse a lot, and have made a few pictures with it on. I’ll make some more, but for this painting, I was obsessed with purple.
I had originally thought I might use this as the cover for my [easyazon_link identifier=”0997227400″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”wwwthediffere-20″]Art and Faith[/easyazon_link] book, but eventually decided against it in favor of that lovely bird and all her layers.
Still, then I had this purple obsession still bubbling away in my mind.
Plus, I liked the thought of a house out there somewhere in the loneliness of the dark, but having faith surrounding it so firmly that it shines brightly against the night sky.
I liked that this verse comes back to the basics, that we follow the Lord and don’t need to work out the rest of the details right now. We follow Him and in the process we have the path to walk on, step by step. We don’t know where it all leads while we’re here on earth and we might not like all the hills and valleys, but we follow and trust (there’s that word again!) our Lord. I like that as part of that, we create a home where God is welcome.
I’m glad my husband and I have a home where God is invited into and welcomed. Every single day depends on His grace.
Signed, matted print available here.