Updated: August 31, 2016
And we have a winner! Actually, we have two. 🙂
I announced on social media that I might be giving away a couple of these scarves, and since we had a good number number of entrants, I did! I chose these using random.org, where you can enter a number range and get a random number in return. I did this without looking at who entered or what their comment number was. It’s all random, ya’ll!
The first number that came up was 23.
Our 23rd commenter? Penny M.! I asked each commenter to say why they liked summer. Here’s what Penny said:
For the second winner, I once again used random.org. This time, the number 10 came up.
Our 10th commenter was Teresa. She said:
That comment is like a poem all by itself. Teresa, what a beautiful response!
The winners have been notified, and I hope they each enjoy their scarves.
Original post….
Time for a givewaway! It’s craft fair season, and I was thinking about how much people liked the scarf I hung in my booth last year. You want to know a secret? I have more than one of those scarves. I bought a couple to get a cheaper rate and now I have one I can give away to you.
This particular giveaway is ONLY for my newsletter subscribers. So if you’re not yet signed up, head on over and enter your name and email. I send a monthly (ish) newsletter with updates and news and special sales and things like this, giveaways.
The scarf measures 16″ x 72″ (so it’s the perfect length to wrap) and is based on my Delight Yourself in the Lord art print. It is silk and has been pre-washed so the printing will not run.
I’ll choose a random winner on August 31st and announce the winner shortly after. Remember, in order to win you have to sign up for my newsletter so don’t forget! All winners must be in the U.S.
To enter, leave a comment below about why you love summer.
I love summer because its vacation time.
I love summer because of the fresh fruits and vegetables, the sunshine and vacation times with family.
I like being able to spe nd time outside.
I love summer because my garden gives us a garden we can can veggies for use during the winter!
I love summer because my family and I can enjoy quality time together on vacation.
I love Summer because I love warm weather – I hate the cold
i love Summer, because the family is together more
windows open , fresh breezes, fresh fruit and veggies, i love the lake too, wish I lived near one again.
I love summer because I can ride my bike and bask in the sun. I love the evenings and the way the sprinklers sound at night and the doves and crickets calling. Summer is the time for having lazy days and a chance to wear all of those cute dresses. I love summer for fresh fruit and garage sales. Summer walks with my dog, Stasia. Barbeques and friends, ice tea and watermelon. I love summer!
I love fireworks and fireflies in the summer
I love the summer because of the great weather, and I can enjoy my summer wardrobe!
I love Summer because there’s always something to do.
perfect time for family vacation and traveling
I love the warm weather
i love summer because it’s a time to get outside and enjoy nature.
I love summer because…. I don’t have to wear a coat 😀
I love being at the beach. Lucky for me, I live in Hawaii, and we have summer all year round!
I love getting to swim everyday!
I love summer as it gives me a chance to be with my family.
I love summer because we can sit on the patio late into the evening and still have daylight. It means we can garden, play sports and go walking until 9pm or later.
I love summer because I get to swim with my grandkids and travel with my hubby.
We have TWO winners, ya’ll! Thanks to everyone who commented and entered the contest.