I'm continuing with my virtual tour for 21 Ways to Promote Your Book on Twitter, and making a stop at Pentalk. The subject? How Twitter can work for writers. [Read More]
Misc. Ramblings
How Can You Tell If Twitter Is Working for You?
One of the most common complaints I hear about Twitter from people is that it's "useless." I'm always curious when I hear this as to how someone determined that. [Read More]
Get My Newsletter?
I'd love for you to sign up. [Read More]
Cherie in Real Simple Magazine
It's a small mention, but I wanted to let you know that I'm in the July issue of Real Simple Magazine. They asked readers to send in their favorite vacation destination, and of course I said mine was the time I went to Paris on my honeymoon. That trip still stands out for me, for so many [Read More]
Cherie’s Twitterview
Just got done taking part in a "twitterview" which is an interview conducted over Twitter. Man, it was so fun. [Read More]