One thing I love about our options as artists these days is we are able to put our art on a variety of things. I have found that people enjoy having art in different places and on a variety of items. The more ways I can incorporate beauty and art in my home and life, the better. View this [Read More]
Poetry and Flowers – My Instagram Round Up
It seems my influences have always been centered on certain things: nature, poetry, words, flowers, birds, art. For this particular Instagram Round Up, I noticed that poetry and flowers were everywhere. I like that this is a constant for me and something I can always go back to when I need [Read More]
Creating New Art – My Instagram Roundup
The theme for this roundup is new paintings and art. [Read More]
The Creative Entrepreneur Life – My Instagram Roundup
Every time I've done an Instagram Roundup, I've noticed a theme in my posts. [Read More]
Forgiveness and Kindness and Hope – My Instagram Roundup
Sometimes people think I'm always happy and in a sunny mood and when someone is nasty with me, it doesn't affect me. But of course, carelessness and evil and negativity affect me and make me feel horrible just like anyone would feel. I've dealt with a lot of things. A lot of people who have [Read More]